Best Books for SpEd Teachers to Read over Winter Break
If you are a Special Education Teacher (or if you love one), then you know Winter Vacation is a much-needed hiatus. It affords you the time you need to reset emotionally, mentally, and physically. If you are like me, snuggling up with a good book is high on that R&R list. Here are a few books to read over winter break for SpEd Teachers specifically to reignite your fire for the classroom.
P.S. If you love a teacher, think about getting them one of these books to devour over vacation. They deserve it!
P.P.S. I am an affiliate of Amazon, so I earn a couple of cents if you buy your winter break books here. Don’t worry though, my opinions cannot be bought and I am all good if you snag these reads at your local library instead. They are just good books worth your time!

Best Books for Winter Break
These are in no particular order… kidding. What fun would that be? You’re looking for the best books for SpEd teachers and I want to deliver.
I love these 6 recommendations, but the best book to start with if you are looking to reignite your teacher fire is this one:
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
Over my career, I have taught a lot of students who could not show what they know. They were nonverbal, had limited mobility, or a disability that made them trapped inside their own body. Working with those kinds of students makes you really embrace the idea of presumed competence. This book reinforces this idea and motivates you to keep talking, teaching, and keep presuming! I love this one, especially when you start to feel like you’re not getting through.
FOR: Perfect for a SpEd Teacher in a class of students with severe and profound disabilities.
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Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
You know that kid that drives you up a wall with all the classroom shenanigans and disruptions? If a troublemaker has you needing this vacation more than ever, then you may really feel rejuvenated after reading this one. I loved it and it made me take another look at how I approached a couple of kiddos.
FOR: Best book for SpEd teachers in Behavior Classrooms who need a reminder about why a kid is pushing YOUR buttons.
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Somebody Else’s Kids by Torey L. Hayden
If “those kids” are your kids… then you’ll love this one as much as I did! This one is actually about a teacher, about her classroom, and about her SpEd students becoming a family. I know some of y’all need to read this one over break- just to remind you why you do what you do. Promise, this one will warm you from the inside- no snugly blanket necessary!
FOR: SpEd Teachers who need a little reminder about why they build a family and community in their classrooms.
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P.S. If you like this kind of teacher-perspective story (and what SpEd Teacher doesn’t), then check out Beautiful Child by the same author. Centered on breaking through to a mute little girl, it is on my winter break reading list!
Please Don’t Take My Sisters by Maggie Hartley
This one is available in an Kindle version and may be my go to when I ride to the family festivities this winter break (get the ” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Kindle Link Here). Working in a Title I school opens your eyes to the struggles kids have beyond the realm of the struggles kids should have. I think this one is especially poignant if you work with students who are in foster care, under a CBP investigation, or living in troubled homes.
FOR: Best book for a SpEd Teacher who is up to their eyeballs in social services.
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Rules by Cythia Lord
Okay… I have to admit one thing. I love to read some of the Young Adult books out there because they make for easy reads and leave me with the feelings. You know. THE feelings! I think it is the literary equivalent of watching holiday movies on Lifetime or the Hallmark channels. No shame here. This book is not from the teacher’s or disabled child’s perspective, but rather from the perspective of a girl who has a brother with Autism.
Sometimes it is easy to take on a “why doesn’t so and so do this” or “why can’t his parent understand that” mindset. This resets that and reminds you what it must be like to live in a house with students like ours. I love this one from the point of view of the sister who has to ask herself what ‘normal’ really means.
FOR: Best book for a SpEd Teacher who needs a sweet reminder of what it’s like to be around someone with Autism.
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Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Wonder is a YA book, but that just means it is a super easy read. What’s more is you can totally binge the book and movie together on a snuggled up vacation day. I loved the movie adaptation, but the book is even better! After watching this, you’ll want to hug every student in your classroom. That makes if perfect for special ed teachers who need a little injection of the warm and fuzzies.
FOR: SpEd Teachers who have lost some love and sympathy over these last few months.
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BEST Books to Read over Winter Break
I could go on… really. For a long time. But I am going to stop at these 6 books.
Now I know that your time over break is super precious and you want to spend it wisely. I also know that reading is something you love to do. These are some of the best books for SpEd teachers to read right now. They will leave you better than when you started, remind you of why you teach in the first place, and also stay in the zone of ‘easy read’.
Now, order those books (delivery to your door, of course), brew yourself a warm cup of Irish goodness, and grab that warm blanket… this reading list is all about YOU!