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How to create independent work stations and tasks for students with Autism or Sped.

Works Tasks for Students with Autism

    Work Tasks for Students with Autism

    You are not the first teacher to think that everyone in your classroom feels like a 1:1 student… they all need help! It is overwhelming to think of how to meet the needs of everyone in your room. Great news is there is a way to help bring calm to your room and some sanity to your mind. You have to have some independent work tasks!

    How to create independent work stations and tasks for students with Autism or Sped.

    What Are Work Tasks?

    There are a few things you have to know before you start using work tasks in your classroom. No matter the task you use, the system only works if your students can answer these 4 questions about the task:

    Read More »Works Tasks for Students with Autism

    Visual Schedules for Autism Units- Lots of great examples and free printables!

    Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms

      Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms

      I don’t know about you, but I am a visual person. I have post-its and doodles and things all over to remind me of what I need to get done. And the truth is visuals help most people… ever sit through a training where the slides were nothing but words? Torture. So why wouldn’t we have visual schedules for our students?

      Are you setting up an Autism Unit or LIFE Skills classroom? You MUST HAVE a Visual Schedule! Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms work- read why...
      Tips on Visual Schedules

      “Where do I go?”
      Let’s check your schedule!

      Having a visual schedule helps students a lot. It helps students figure out where to go and also helps figure out what to do when they get there! There are a few perks to having personal schedules for students (beyond what is generally posted in the classroom).

      Read More »Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms