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Easy DIY Onset and Rime Flip Books and Blending Books for Reading Centers

Onset and Rime Flip Book

    You can easily make an onset and rime flip book to work on blending CVC words with paper already in your classroom!
    Onset and Rime Inspiration from Noodle Nook- The Best (and easiest) way to make onset and rime blending books for Reading Centers!

    What is a prompting hierarchy and how do you use it in an Autism classroom, speech therapy room or when teaching aac? This is a great overview of the hierarchy of prompting and cueing with a printable chart! Also how to use the prompting hierarchy to stop learned helplessness and build independence. Listen now to learn more.

    How to Use the Prompting Hierarchy

      What is a prompting hierarchy and how do you use it in an Autism classroom, speech therapy room or when teaching aac? This is a great overview of the hierarchy of prompting and cueing with a printable chart! Also how to use the prompting hierarchy to stop learned helplessness and build independence. Listen now to learn more.

      10 Easy Ways to Presume Competence in Students with Disabilities like Autism. Presuming Competence: What is means, why you should, what it looks like, and why it is important.

      Presume Competence

        10 Easy Ways to Presume Competence in Students with Disabilities like Autism. Presuming Competence: What is means, why you should, what it looks like, and why it is important.