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What is a prompting hierarchy and how do you use it in an Autism classroom, speech therapy room or when teaching aac? This is a great overview of the hierarchy of prompting and cueing with a printable chart! Also how to use the prompting hierarchy to stop learned helplessness and build independence. Listen now to learn more.

How to Use the Prompting Hierarchy

    What is a prompting hierarchy and how do you use it in an Autism classroom, speech therapy room or when teaching aac? This is a great overview of the hierarchy of prompting and cueing with a printable chart! Also how to use the prompting hierarchy to stop learned helplessness and build independence. Listen now to learn more.

    Doing some DIY to create homemade shoebox tasks for Autism Units or Life Skills is a great way to set up workstation tasks on a dime.

    Homemade Shoebox Tasks

      Doing some DIY to create homemade shoebox tasks for Autism Units or Life Skills is a great way to set up workstation tasks on a dime. Read more on how to make homemade shoebox tasks.

      Picture Exchange for nonverbal students is an effective way to implement a communication system. It relies on three main principles and a cycle of phases. Learn more on how to implement picture exchange in your Autism unit.

      Picture Exchange for Nonverbal Students

        Picture Exchange for nonverbal students is an effective way to implement a communication system. It relies on three main principles and a cycle of phases. Learn more on how to implement picture exchange in your Autism unit.

        10 Easy Ways to Presume Competence in Students with Disabilities like Autism. Presuming Competence: What is means, why you should, what it looks like, and why it is important.

        Presume Competence

          10 Easy Ways to Presume Competence in Students with Disabilities like Autism. Presuming Competence: What is means, why you should, what it looks like, and why it is important.

          Autism Work Station Tasks - Why you need to set up work tasks in your classroom

          Autism Workstation Tasks

            The very first year I taught in an Autism Unit I was fresh out of alt-cert and was woefully unprepared for all that you need to be successful teaching students with significant disabilities… what I wouldn’t give to go back to that new teacher with a gaggle of workstation tasks! Unfortunately, time travel is still…