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Coffee Cart Setup – Buying Guide

If you’re here, it means you already purchased your COMPLETE COFFEE CART SET UP GUIDE from the Noodle Nook Store. (If you missed it, then grab your copy here or on TpT). See what you need to get started with your classroom business with this coffee cart buying guide.

This post if filled with affiliate links for the products and essentials we use in the classroom to operate our student run coffee business. When you buy through our affiliate links, we get a small commission and use that to keep the lights on and blog going.

We really appreciate you supporting us with your kind clicks.

Essentials for YOUR Classroom Coffee Cart

I highly suggest using Amazon Prime (get a free 30-day membership here) with this endeavor, getting what you need shipped right to the classroom is easier than having to make runs to the store after school.

Plus, even better, you can share your purchases on a WISH LIST for others to donate and help you get your student’s business started! They get a tax write off, you get classroom supplies… it’s a WIN-WIN!


In order to get this coffee business going, you’ll need a coffee maker!


Yeah, once you brew it, you’ll want to keep it hot as you make the rounds with a quality coffee pump. We needed two since we sold a lot of tea and hot chocolate in addition to coffee #ChocolateLover.


You have to put all that deliciousness into something, right? Bulk here is key so stock up on some cups!

Oh, and don’t forget to order LIDS TOO! Huge oops if you order without also getting lids!


Everyone likes a little shuga in their brew, right? Turns out you’ll need sugar, Splenda, Stevia, and more! Try the variety pack to start and see what people like.


We started with the individual packets, but people hoard them! If you can afford it and use it fast enough, go with the bottles.

6. Stirrers

You’ll spin it right round, baby. Right round with the right stirrer, right round, round, round. Ahem. I digress. If you sell with sugar and cream, then you’ll need stirrers too.


Seems like this goes without saying… you’ll need coffee. If you’ve opted to go the Amazon Prime route, then set this one up to automatically redeliver. Believe me, it’s the WORST feeling running out of coffee!

8. TEA

Not everyone loves the brew, so stock some tea and hot water to make sure everyone has something they like on your cart.

9. Hot Chocolate

And at the holidays, these really sell! Add a little candy cane to your hot chocolate cup for a little extra holiday cheer!

10. Napkins

Full service cart means some napkins for your buyers. Those little details give everyone a job and your business that little something extra.

I have loved our experience setting up a coffee cart business in the classroom. Believe me, everything listed in this coffee cart buying guide will help you get started.

Truth is, once everything gets going, it’s a pretty painless classroom task that delivers on some quality real-world job training. The students loved delivering daily to our administrative staff and teachers.

It was really great training for our students on some meaningful job skills.

Check out all the great reviews that are available on this product… if you’re not sold yet, you will be soon. This is just what you’ve been looking for as you set up your Special Ed classroom for some quality vocational training.

So get started today!

There are a few more essentials listed in the Complete Coffee Cart Set Up Guide that will make your cart easier to operate. See those listed here:

Some signage for the beautiful posters that come in your resource (and includes digital, editable versions as well).

With the editable name badges that come with this resource, you can make your coffee cart look official, and make name badges part of your students opening routine!

There are a lot of bits and pieces to making sure your coffee cart runs smoothly. Having things all organized will make your students more independent and successful.

Want to read more on operating a coffee cart and quality ideas for your classroom? Check out these posts:

How to Start a Coffee Cart, Student Run Coffee Cart, Coffee Cart for Vocational Training, and Classroom Based Business Ideas for Special Ed