With all the school closures due to COVID-19 and my own kiddos at home, I find I’m needing fun and interactive math activities! It’s super important to keep my kids engaged, learning, and (as a teacher) I want to put stuff together that’s adapted for special education so when schools open again, I have some great digital activities for math to share with students.
I have always loved interactive lessons that work on the whiteboard and now that students have better access to laptops and tablets in the classroom, Google™ Classroom has become a must have!
In light of all of this, I wanted to start to put together some digital activities for math that work for early elementary and also for students with special needs.
These activities below are simple but effective and target a range of skills. Best of all, they are all available through Google™ Drive. That means quality digital activities for math can be shared with students in the classroom or shared with parents at home as we ride out the Coronavirus closures. To me, that is a win-win!
Digital 1:1 Correspondence Activities
Early number skills are important to build future math skills. In an Autism classroom or Special Ed unit, these emerging skills are focused on to help ensure a good foundation for more advanced skills.

Click here to see it on TpT
A strong understanding of 1:1 correspondence is essential and these little monsters are too freakin’ adorable. Monsters who eat donuts? What kid would’t love to do this digital math?
Check out the page by page below so you can see what I put together:
Digital Count and Match Activities
So many of my students have IEP goals related to determining the number of a collection of items. Most of them are working on numbers between 1-10 and a few all the way up to twenty. Even for my own son, it is a target skill he needs to improve on. Let’s face it, being great with 1-10 is essential for almost everything else we do in math!
So, here comes another one that my son loves, so I am sure your kiddos will love too. It is all accessible through Google™ Drive and shareable using Classroom. Or, if you are back at school, use this on your interactive whiteboard for some quality circle time!
Check out the page by page below so you can see what I put together:
As you can see, the finished products for these are super cute and I love the price point too (so cheap!) so pop over to the store and check them out.
AND… don’t forget to score a free COVID-19 Social Story from Noodle Nook, which comes with a comprehension activity and is super timely right now!
Then add them all to your Classroom and get students engaged and also loving math!
Stay Strong out there!!