Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make
Teaching in an Autism unit, special education classroom, or in self-contained classrooms can be a challenge! But here’s the truth – if you are doing these 9 things I can guarantee that you are failing. Watch this video and learn how teachers fail in an Autism unit, special ed classroom, or in self-contained classrooms.
How Teachers Fail in the Classroom
If you have watched the video and know how teachers fail in an Autism Unit or SpEd classroom, you have to ask yourself… are you guilty of making one of these 9 fatal errors? If you are, don’t fret.
You Are Not Alone.
The truth is, these 9 mistakes teachers make are more common than you think. The takeaway from this video is to acknowledge if you do one of the flawed 9 and then take steps to change things.
I can guarantee if you continue to make one of these 9 critical mistakes in your Autism unit, special education classroom, or in self-contained classrooms, you will continue to struggle. These 9 things are essential to setting up a well-functioning, purposeful, and controlled setting where students with disabilities can thrive.
READ MORE: Autism Classroom Setup Essentials, Autism Classroom Setup Checklist and Implementing Rules in Autism Classrooms
So What To Do From Here
If you’re asking yourself what to do from here, that’s easy! One of the easiest changes to make is to add essential visuals and routine to your classroom. You can check out the Visual Schedule and Behavior Toolkit in the Noodle Nook Store if you’re not sure where to start with visuals.
That will give you direction and push you to just get started.
As you move to make changes in those two areas, start to think about how to increase your expectations. Move from keeping your students busy to actually learning new skills. No one should be parked.
Then take a moment to reflect with your team and decide if you’re all as consistent in your classroom as you can be. From there you can make small adjustments. Maybe review presumed competence and least dangerous assumption with everyone as a team.
Finally, be sure to look through the students’ paperwork and think about transition planning as you’re addressing the needs of students in the classroom. Without those two critical pieces of information, everything else you’re doing in the classroom may be moot.
You can do this… so Stay Strong and Teach On!
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