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Vocational Training

Vocational Targets for Students with Autism- 7 Skills to help get your students job ready.

Vocational Targets for Students with Autism

    Vocational Targets for Students with Autism

    Every year when I sat down with one of my favorite students to get ready for her IEP meeting, we had nearly the same conversation…

    Me: So Katie, what do you want to do when you graduate.

    Katie: I want to deliver babies.

    Me: That means being a doctor. You would have to go to college for a long time to do that.

    Katie: That’s okay. I like school.

    Me. Katie, you can’t read and don’t like to write. It may be hard to get into medical school and graduate.

    Katie: I guess so.

    Me: Is there another job might like?

    Katie: Yes! I want to deliver babies!

    Me: *Sigh*

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